If you have a legacy site, you might be thinking of rebuilding or redesigning it.
Before you get too far into an expensive process, you may be able to keep what you have and improve the results you’re getting from it.
Start by asking yourself these key questions:
- Who is your audience?
- What do you need them to do?
- Are they doing it?
You’ll find the answers to these questions by studying your Website traffic. Google Analytics is a good starting point for this task.
But if you don’t know how to find these answers, you might need to do that first before you do anything else. Make an appointment with a Raconteur expert, and we will help you get going on the right path.
If you can answer some of these key questions but you see the need to clarify your site, keep reading.
Have a clear call to action
What’s the one thing you need visitors to do on your site? (Hint: it’s the thing that makes you profitable and reach your goals.) Put a clear call to action to lead people to that thing. Put it at the top of your site and make it clearly marked.
Make a great first impression
Look at your site with new eyes, like someone seeing it for the first time. Look for 10 seconds or if you can read Google Analytics, find out how long first time visitors stay before they Bounce. What’s your impression? Are you clear or confused? If you’re clear, great! But if you’re not sure whether a first time visitor understands your mission, then let’s fix that.
Bring your audience into this process
This is a great place to start if you don’t know what to do or you suspect everything is awesome! Your audience is telling you all kinds of things by what they do – or don’t do – on your site. Let’s test some messages, pictures or buttons. Implement some good A/B multivariate tools to find out how well your messages work.
What traffic is working best for you?
Going back to Google Analytics, look at the Source/Medium report. Your website should be getting traffic from all kinds of sources like email, social media and referral. You can dive into each Source or Medium to find specific data on traffic performance. If you don’t have goals established, look for Bounce and Time on Site data. A low Bounce rate and a long time on site means visitors from these sources really dig you. The opposite means you need to clarify those landing pages or entrance pages.
But if you still don’t know how to find these answers, or you’d like help improving your website’s performance, make an appointment with a Raconteur expert, and we will help you get going on the right path.